
We're excited to introduce you to our current students.

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Academic Area


Student Organizations






Adamaris | 2025


Academic Area: Social and Behavioral Sciences

Major(s): Public Health Studies

Clubs: Academic and Research,Community Service,Culture and Identity

State: MD

Alina | 2025


Academic Area: Social and Behavioral Sciences

Major(s): Public Health Studies

Clubs: Academic and Research,Community Service,Culture and Identity,Performing and Visual Arts,Religious and Spiritual

State: VA

Amaya | 2025


Academic Area: Engineering

Major(s): Biomedical Engineering

Clubs: Advocacy and Awareness,Performing and Visual Arts,Special Interest and Hobby

State: TX

Anita | 2025


Academic Area: Social and Behavioral Sciences

Major(s): Neuroscience

Clubs: Academic and Research,Fraternities and Sororities,Honor and Professional Societies,Sports Clubs

State: MN

Ariana | 2025


Academic Area: Natural Sciences

Major(s): Psychology, Natural Sciences area major

Clubs: Community Service,Culture and Identity,Sports Clubs

State: VA

Arman | 2026


Academic Area: Engineering

Major(s): Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

Clubs: Special Interest and Hobby

State: AZ

Briyit | 2025


Academic Area: Humanities

Major(s): Medicine, Science & the Humanities

Clubs: Community Service,Culture and Identity,Special Interest and Hobby,Student Publications and Media

State: CA

Dalhart | 2025


Academic Area: Engineering

Major(s): Biomedical Engineering

Clubs: Academic and Research,Advocacy and Awareness,Community Service,Culture and Identity,Fraternities and Sororities,Special Interest and Hobby,Sports Clubs

State: PA

Diana | 2025


Academic Area: Engineering

Major(s): Computer Science, Applied Mathematics & Statistics

Clubs: Academic and Research,Advocacy and Awareness,Religious and Spiritual

State: NJ

Emilia | 2026


Academic Area: Humanities

Major(s): Writing Seminars, English

Clubs: Performing and Visual Arts,Special Interest and Hobby,Student Publications and Media

State: PA

Ido | 2026


Academic Area: Humanities

Major(s): History, Political Science

Clubs: Academic and Research,Culture and Identity,Religious and Spiritual

State: NJ

Iheoma | 2026


Academic Area: Natural Sciences

Major(s): Molecular & Cellular Biology

Clubs: Culture and Identity,Special Interest and Hobby

State: MD

Mariel | 2025


Academic Area: Humanities

Major(s): Public Health Studies, Political Science

Clubs: Academic and Research,Advocacy and Awareness,Community Service,Culture and Identity,Performing and Visual Arts

State: MD

Max | 2025


Academic Area: Natural Sciences

Major(s): Environmental Science, Behavioral Biology

Clubs: Academic and Research,Community Service,Fraternities and Sororities,Honor and Professional Societies,Performing and Visual Arts

State: OH

Roberto | 2025


Academic Area: Natural Sciences

Major(s): Neuroscience

Clubs: Academic and Research,Community Service,Culture and Identity,Honor and Professional Societies

State: OH

Gerry | 2025


Academic Area: Humanities

Major(s): Public Health Studies, Applied Mathematics & Statistics

Clubs: Academic and Research,Culture and Identity,Special Interest and Hobby

State: NY

Temi | 2025


Academic Area: Natural Sciences

Major(s): Molecular & Cellular Biology

Clubs: Academic and Research,Community Service,Culture and Identity,Fraternities and Sororities

State: OH

Temi | 2025


Academic Area: Social and Behavioral Sciences

Major(s): Cognitive Science

Clubs: Academic and Research,Advocacy and Awareness,Community Service,Culture and Identity

State: MD

Zosia | 2025


Academic Area: Natural Sciences

Major(s): Molecular & Cellular Biology

Clubs: Academic and Research,Community Service,Culture and Identity,Honor and Professional Societies,Religious and Spiritual,Sports Clubs

State: NY